Early Voting in Howard County: A Comprehensive Guide

Howard County residents have the chance to cast their ballots early at any of the designated voting centers. The 13th District of the State House of Delegates (3 seats) is up for election, and the Maryland State Board of Elections has opened all voting centers across the state at 7 a.m. on Wednesday. As with any position where staff is needed, there are some minor concerns about election judges in certain jurisdictions and that patience will be key at certain times when polling stations are busy.

At the headquarters of the Baltimore County Board of Elections, in Hunt Valley, which also functions as an early voting center, workers were busy all Wednesday fixing the equipment. Voters had several reasons to vote early on this first day. Election officials said the popularity of mail-in voting could have an impact on participation in early voting. Baltimore County election officials said 40,000 mail-in ballots out of the 90,000 requested have already been returned.

Same-day early voting registration is also available at each voting center. If you're looking to get started with early voting in Howard County, here's a comprehensive guide to help you out:

Step 1: Verify Your Voter Registration Status

The first step is to make sure you're registered to vote. You can check your voter registration status using the Missouri Secretary of State search tool.

Step 2: Locate Your Polling Place

Where you vote depends on where you live. Not sure what your district is? You can search for your polling place by address at the link below.

Step 3: Understand What's On The Ballot

Voters will decide the next members of the executive and the county council, along with the members of the school board.

More information about early voting can be found on the State Board of Elections website or contact the Howard County Board of Elections.

Step 4: Vote Early

For both the presidential and general elections of 2024, you can vote at an early voting center in the county where you live.

Step 5: Vote Absentee By Mail

If you prefer to vote absentee by mail, learn more about the absentee voting process in Howard County.

Step 6: Track Your Ballot

Officials will begin publishing the vote count on election day in the following hours of election night. Early voting is a great way to ensure your voice is heard and your vote counts! Make sure to take advantage of this opportunity and cast your ballot before election day. For Howard County residents looking to make their voices heard, early voting is a great way to do so! This step-by-step guide will help you get started with early voting in Howard County and make sure your vote counts. From verifying your voter registration status to tracking your ballot, this guide has everything you need to know about early voting in Howard County.